Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good News Tuesday: Terrere Back on Tatame

As someone who can personally attest to the physical and emotional healing power of being on the mats, it's good to hear the inimitable Terrere competed at the Mexico Open recently.
The news regading the man, the myth, and the legend has been checkered at best for the past few years as he battles a host of personal issues.
We can only cross our fingers and hope this marks a positive turn for legend of the sport.

Being on the mats and training has been the single most important decision I've made in my life.
It has bettered me as a person, reinforced my belief in dedication, training, and the pursuit of excellence.
I'm the first to tell people that Judo/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu saved my life. Saved me from myself. Saved me from mediocrity and self-doubt.

Training has provided the desire to avoid the less productive aspects of life and the cheap thrills of lesser endeavors.
I'm grateful for each day that I can drill, train, and even now, in my limited capacity due to ACL recovery, drill my uchikomis if nothing else.

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