Saturday, March 2, 2019

UFC 235: Jones vs Smith the most obvious fix I’ve seen in ages

I guess Smith didn’t get the memo that Jones was gonna carry him to a 5th round decision. Because Jones literally spent the 5th round doing every non fight finishing move in MMA. Remember when John Jones had Anthony Smith literally sitting on his butt in front of him and did nothing to even finish the fight, he wasn’t even punching him? What a fake @$$ Fight.

Normally they do a better job of selling fixed fights because this was pathetic. Jones threw virtually no head kicks, barely punched Smith in the face, and even on the mat when Smith did LITERALLY NOTHING TO DEFEND FROM BOTTOM Jones basically refused to punch or elbow him in the face.

What else could it be other than a *%$#ing fix? It's insulting to think that it could be so poorly done but I guess not, because people will still refuse to believe it was fixed even though so much of the fight was inexplicable.

Jones literally refused to do anything that was potentially fight ending other than one last semi convincing jumping knee in the last second, meanwhile had Smith on the ground, sitting on his butt, or against the cage, prone, virtually helpless and refused to hit him from top position.
#lookinto it

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