Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Icarus - Doping Documentary on Netflix

Watch this and tell me JiuJitsu's stars aren't jacked to the gills. 

Dudes get tested once a year if that. Only ones getting popped just aren't doing their homework. Testing is a farce. The UFC, sports, all of it. 

The only reason guys get caught is because they're half-assed about it. 

Elephant in the room is now a leviathan. Made no less enjoyable for me personally was the parallel they present to 1984 by George Orwell. The metaphor works exceptionally well and truly unveils an absurd level of collusion at a state-sponsored level aka Rocky 4. 
Grigiry, levels the statement that China was the largest manufacturer of Anabolics prior to 2008. He literally lays it all out, the history of the protocol for doping regimens, who and when and where how the game of cat and mouse played out between states producing steroids and Olympic athletes and the IOC from A to Z. And because it's Russia.....someone in the web of intrigue "unexpectedly dies," Federal investigations, and smear campaigns.

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